
Supporting DMV Partners

Published August 12, 2020 in Mid-America Transplant | Community
A Mid-America Transplant volunteer hands out water and information about organ and tissue donation at the Florissant DMV.

Mid-America Transplant volunteer and kidney recipient Teresa Harvey, right, gives a bottle of water and information about organ and tissue donation to a customer of the Florissant license office.

License offices are an important part of the organ and tissue donation process with more than 98 percent of those on the organ and tissue donor registry joining at their local DMV. Because registry enrollment is so important in the donation process, Mid-America Transplant is committed to supporting DMVs throughout our region.

Working with license office managers across the service area this summer, Mid-America Transplant has provided 46 free plexiglass partitions to protect essential workers in the DMV community. Mid-America Transplant plans to install 75 more partitions in the near future. License offices also have the option to apply partition decals encouraging community members to register to be a donor. 


A license office worker engages with a customer.

Mid-America Transplant proudly partners with license offices throughout its service area. This summer and fall, the organization offered to install plexiglass partitions at DMVs throughout our region for the safety of DMV workers and customers. 

In addition, as DMVs have moved lines outside for social distancing purposes, Mid-America Transplant volunteers have showed up to provide cold water and donation information on hot summer days. The water provides respite as the customer waits, and volunteers take a moment to share their story and encourage guests to considering joining the registry.