Stories Submission Terms and Conditions
I am submitting my story (the “Work”) to Mid-America Transplant (“MT”). I understand that by clicking “submit,” I am granting Mid-America Transplant permission to publish my Work on MT’s website, or use it in other publications or printed material at MT’s sole discretion. By submitting my Work, I grant permission to MT to edit my Work for clarity or brevity as needed, understanding that MT will not change any facts of my Work. Mid-America Transplant may choose not to publish my Work at this time but may retain my Work for future use by Mid-America Transplant. I understand and agree that any content involving my Work which MT creates or publishes is wholly owned by Mid-America Transplant, and I do not have any rights in or license to such content without prior written approval from Mid-America Transplant.
I represent and warrant that I am the sole author of the Work, which is original, true, and not previously published. I have removed any information from my Work that I do not want made public. To the best of my knowledge, I am not violating any laws by submitting my Work, and I represent and warrant that my Work does not infringe any third party’s copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights, and does not contain any libelous material nor violate any third party’s right of privacy or If I am found to be in breach of any of these representations and warranties, I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Mid-America Transplant for any and all costs, liabilities, and expenses resulting from that breach. publicity, or other applicable rights.
I understand and agree that, after the date of publication, my story will remain accessible online in Mid-America Transplant’s archives at the MT editors’ discretion, unless and until I submit a written request for its removal from the site.